Dynamic Facilitation Deep Dive

For Advanced Practitioners and Adventuresome Beginners


Come join us for a three-day of immersion where we’ll be:

  • creating a field of shared inquiry
  • learning from one another
  • generating new insights
  • building community

Our calling question:

What have we been discovering, in our practice of Dynamic Facilitation? What interesting experiments have we engaged in, and what have we learned as a result? And what are our “next steps”, in bringing forward the gift of this practice?


The spark for this advanced deep dive, has been the publication of the second edition of the Dynamic Facilitation book, edited by Matthias zur Bonsen and Rosa Zubizarreta. In response, Holger Scholz has invited Rosa to come once again to Germany to teach. And so the idea for this gathering was born…

At the same time, the future that is calling to us, is one where there is a strong learning community and network of DF practitioners, applying our skills widely to respond to the needs that humanity is facing today.

Dynamic Facilitation attests more than any other facilitation method to
the fact that living systems are not controllable and their changes cannot be planned. It creates the space for self-organization and transformation. A creative breakthrough is nothing else than that - a spontaneously created new order (of thoughts and feelings) that no one could have predicted in advance yet afterwards, appears perfectly logical."
Matthias zur Bonsen

What to expect

There will be many opportunities for sharing stories in response to the calling question, in both formal and informal ways. And, the centerpiece of our gathering is the extended opportunity to BE in a facilitated space, where we can witness and experience each other’s unique ways of “doing DF”.

We will do this through periods of “exploring a burning question” together, where different people will have an opportunity to facilitate. And, we will alternate the direct exploration of content, with meta-level group explorations (also facilitated) about the process that we have just been experiencing.

On the third day, we will also be having some time together in Open Space format.

Expressions of interest

To create a rich and balanced group, and also to begin the learning process even before arriving at the workshop, we are asking interested people to respond to a few questions beforehand. This includes something about your previous experience with DF, why you are interested in attending, and what you might want to share at this gathering.

Possible experiences to share

To whet your appetite, we want to mention some of the experiences we already have available to potentially share, just among our planning team. And, we expect there will be many more, once we have more participants in the stew! 

  • Introducing DF to groups 
  • Combining DF with elements of Convergent Facilitation 
  • Empathy Circles as a way of “warming up the group” for DF 
  • Combining DF and World Cafe 
  • Introducing DF to Pilot Groups 
  • Creating a Context for DF 
  • Bringing the Body and Movement into DF

Initiators, Guides and Hosts

Rosa Zubizarreta

is an organization development consultant trained in action research and participatory systems redesign. She has been working with Dynamic Facilitation since 2000 as a practitioner, researcher, and author, and has taught this groundbreaking approach both in the U.S. and internationally. In addition, she enjoys exploring how this method can be fruitfully integrated with a variety of different approaches. Rosa has been part of the hosting circle for international gatherings in Batschuns, Austria, where Dynamic Facilitation practitioners and other innovators in democracy have come together to share experiences with BürgerInnenRäte and other public participation processes.

Matthias zur Bonsen

is the founder of all in one spirit. He is a pioneer in many pioneering methods of change management and working with large, medium and small groups in German-speaking countries. As a consultant and facilitator, he has many years of experience with change and transformation processes. He is the author, instructor of more than a thousand advisor colleagues and teaches at universities in Germany and Switzerland. Matthias co-initiates the Leading with Life - Leaders' Space, a unique experience and dialogue space for men and women in leading positions, which has become a community of inspiring leaders.

Holger Scholz

is the founder of Kommunikationslotsen. Holger became involved with large-group interventions in the 1990s. During this period, he came into contact with American ideas about organizational development and process consulting. As a result, he became a “change facilitation” leader, by incorporating visualization and a unique style of facilitation from which Kommunikationslotsen was born. Together with Neuland, Kommunikationslotsen develops products, tools and literature on change facilitation.

Training buchen

02.03.20 - 04.03.20

Seminarcentre Grube Louise, Bergstrasse 1-5, 56593 Bürdenbach

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Dynamic Facilitation Deep Dive

For Advanced Practitioners and Adventuresome Beginners, 2-4 March 2020



2 March 9:30 am - 6 pm, 3 March 9 am - 6 pm, 4 March 9 am - 4 pm


Seminarcentre Grube Louise, Bergstr. 1-5, 56593 Buerdenbach (Grube Louise)

Material und Training Equipment will be provided by our partner Neuland.



1200,- EURO  Early Bird until 15 Jan. 2020

1400,- EURO Standard price after 15 Jan. 2020


Ticket-Prices include tuition, accommodation, and all meals. 19 % VAT tax will be added during final registration.


Es sind noch Fragen offen geblieben?

Dann melden Sie sich gern bei uns:
Telefon +49 (0) 22 1 – 98 93 68 63 
Mail info@kommunikationslotsen.de

Ute Schulte, Büro & Organisation der Lotsen

In case you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us!